Thursday 11 January 2018

Writing to the Prime Minister - stop the manufacture of plastic bags

Well, it's been a frustrating discovery that it's impossible to go plastic free unless:

1) You don't work at all
2) You have lots of money

We compared cheese prices this week. Paul uses the plastic-wrapped bog standard cheapest of the cheap Cheddar cheese at £5.12/kilo. "It can't be that much more money to buy it in a round from the Deli Counter," we decided. So we tried. Oh, yes, it is. The cheapest was about £8 odd per kilo. We just can't afford to do that. Nor have we got the time to wander round looking for all the different shops which can offer plastic-free options.

Yes, we're willing to try and to travel within reason, but gone are the days when you could buy everything locally without buying a plastic bag. We can go to the butcher and take our own containers - and are doing that. We can buy loose fruit and vegetables whenever possible, but what about shampoo containers, bags of pasta and rice, crisps, biscuits, bread? I just don't know how we can buy these things without buying plastic too - and it's too drastic to stop buying them. I'm afraid I'm not about to start using a bar of soap/shampoo. I do like some luxuries!

So . . . . what to do . . . well, I've written to our Prime Minister about plastic bags in particular. Cut them off at source I've said. Why not? I see no other way of ending the misery our seas are in!

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