Friday 19 January 2018

Blue Planet II poster wrapped in plastic

So I went to war about the fact that my Blue Planet poster arrived wrapped in plastic. I tweeted it to no less than Sir David Attenborough and the Open University. I just couldn't believe my eyes after watching incredible, extraordinary and devastating footage of whales ingesting plastic, turtles getting wrapped in plastic and albatross chicks dying as a result of eating plastic. What on earth or what in the seas is wrong with a good ol-fashioned recyclable paper envelope!

Anyway, apparently I wasn't the only one to be up in arms about it. Here's a link to an article in The Independent. Ocean poster causes uproar

Just in case this earns me fame - I'd like to thank my friend and colleague Vicky who is a loyal follower, I should perhaps say, THE loyal follower of my tweets. Thanks Vicky. See you Monday if I'm not inundated with work offers preaching against plastic!

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