Monday 8 January 2018

Day 7 - Recyclable plastics

So much for my posting every day resolution! The good news is that we are undaunted in our fight for a plastic-free life. Today's discovery has been about the types of plastic and which ones can be recycled.

Here are the seven standard classifications for plastics, and the recycling and reuse information for each type:

We've done a bit of research into which plastics can be recycled and which can't - and why. It's all a bit scary, but basically any products with 1 or 2 can definitely be picked up from the kerbside on recycle days and increasingly anything with 5 on can now be too (such as ketchup bottles). Sadly, shampoo bottles cannot generally be recycled as it is  used to, and still may, contain phthalates, which are linked to numerous health issues ranging from developmental problems to miscarriages. They also contain DEHA, which can be carcinogenic with long-term exposure. DEHA has also been linked to loss of bone mass and liver problems. Don’t cook with or burn this plastic. (infor from
  • It’s found in shampoo bottles, clear food packaging, cooking oil bottles, medical equipment, piping, and windows.
  • This plastic is recycled into paneling, flooring, speed bumps, decks, and roadway gutters.

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Where can I buy shampoo in a recyclable container?
Also, many thanks to Vicky at work who has sent me a great link to shops which sell loose food - more on that tomorrow!

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