Saturday 13 January 2018

Tesco - Not currently recycled

Not Currently Recycled

Paul's shoes are size 12 to show how big this 'not currently recycled' crisp bag is.

As you can see, we're doing well with our plastic-free year.That's five items on our shelves with 'not currently recycled' plastic on them, not to mention the titanic bag of crisps. I've tweeted Tesco about it so they're bound to do something about it now; if they don't, Sir David Attenborough will, whom I have also tweeted. What a life this is, protesting right, left and centre about single-use plastic!

Apparently the logo for 'not currently recycled' does not mean 'not currently recycled', it means that that type of plastic is only being recycled by 20% of councils. That means checking with South Somerset to see if we're one of the few that does recycle it. Watch this space . . .

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