Thursday 4 January 2018

Day 3 - Butchers and brown paper bags

I think what I'll do (in theory) is write every day for a week, then maybe post once a week over the year. That's the plan anyway.

New things to ponder: can you recycle tin foil? Paul says yes, I wasn't so sure.

Having to compromise means we're still going to use the single use plastic bags we have and any other plastic we already have. This will give us time to find ways of getting alternatives.

I had a good discussion with our local butcher today about days gone by when butchers used to put meat on a piece of greaseproof paper and then wrap it  up in white paper like they  do fish and chips. I guess that paper was then eventually burned (which I know is contributing to global warming and pollution, but where do you draw the line?) He readily put our diced steak in one tub and our chicken breasts in another (which I shall clearly label for future use).

I then went to our two local farms which sell vegetables and bought a tasty mixture of loose veg for £2.20

As we were cooking our delicious buttered chicken recipe this evening, the doorbell rang with a huge package. "Christmas isn't over after all," I whooped as Paul declared it was addressed to me. Fortunately I didn't have too long to get excited before we realised it was the delivery of 1000 brown paper bags - wrapped, wait for it - in plastic!

My kitchen now looks like an old fashioned green-grocers!

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